Find out more about my funds and recognitions awarded
Throughout my career, I have received support for my studies, own initiatives, research and events through funding and grants. This is also a page to show appreciation to those who have shown support in my endeavours. They allowed me to accomplish my goals by supporting me through the funding application processes and allowing me the opportunity to use the funding to create space for dialogue and work with communities. Below I have listed a few of the key funding and awards received that have supported and furthered my career.

Tallinn University School of Humanities
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
Postdoctoral Grant Training
10-14 June 2024 I was awarded a grant for travel and accommodation to attend training at Tallinn University to plan and prepare a postdoctoral application for the MSCA call. In this training, I will redraft the project proposal titled 'Reimagining Border & Rights through Intersectonal Resistances of Displaced Stateless Women' I originally submitted during the camp (to develop the proposal further) and before the submission (to complete the draft and take into account the trainers’ feedback).
University of Amsterdam
Fair, Resilient & Inclusive Societies (FRIS)
Securing the Fair, Resilient & Inclusive Societies (FRIS) grant was a significant milestone in our curriculum development journey. This accolade enabled our collaborative venture with the University of Amsterdam, with support from an educator from Inholland Hogeschool, empowered us to innovatively shape the "Neurodiversity: Participation in Education and Research" master's elective course. Set to launch in 2025, the program's essence lies in integrating Participatory Action-Based Research (PAR) with neurodiverse communities, a testament to our commitment to inclusive educational excellence and community engagement. In this next year we will engage in collaborative curriculum development and engage neurdiverse community members through workshops, surveys and dialogues.

Funding related to PhD research, fieldwork and training
PhD Research
I applied for and awarded a highly competitive fully-funded PhD in Law and Development as a part of a (then new) EDOLAD project in 2015.
This included funding to attend training and opportunities to present papers on Law and Development related topics.
Funded by Tilburg University Law School to:
Attend Summer School, Potchefstroom, South Africa 2019 and Present ‘New methods in Law and Development: Participatory design and community development'
Attend Aurora Dialogues, 'Global Perspectives in Aurora Dialogues Humanity in a Fragile World – Partnering for Change' 11 - 12th December 2018 in Berlin, Germany
Attend Communicating Research training, Deusto University, Bilbao, Spain 2017 and Present ‘Solidarity and Voice; Wij Zijn Hier’ in Solidarity in a workshop titled ‘Notions of Solidarity in and beyond Law and Development’ in University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain
Attend Planning Fieldwork University of Tartu, Estonia, 2016 and Participate in Consortium meetings to plan next years core curriculum
Attend Research trip to University of Oslo, Norway 2015 and Present ‘Malema; forced migration and a legacy of violence and development’ in a Rights, Individuals, Culture and Society (RIKS) seminar, Department of Law, University of Oslo, Norway
Participatory Research in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
In addition to my PhD project with conference and training funding, I received an additional 10,000 euros in funding from the Alumni Fund at Tilburg University for fieldwork.
With this funding, I was able to conduct a year project with a participatory approach in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
This enabled me to:
Spend time to gain the trust of the communities and build genuine connections which enriched my research
Build a short training programme as the centre of my research
Collaborate with forced migrants on the goals of the research
Co-creatively conduct interviews and focus groups with forced migrants as co-researchers
Funding awarded to host and organise academic events
Coordinated 'New Speakers in the Workplace' Panel
Prior to the start of my PhD, I joined the COST Action New Speakers in Multilingual Europe.
Funded by COST Action IS1306 to attend the conference and coordinate a panel.
New Speakers in a Multilingual Europe: Opportunities and Challenges Symposium, Barcelona, Spain the University of Barcelona, Spain on 20th - 22nd November 2014
Coordinated 'Round table on Migration and Asylum'
Funded by COST Action IS1306 to attend the conference and coordinate a
Collaborated with Dr Cassie Smith-Christmas to host the roundtable at the COST Action IS1306 New Speakers Whole Action Conference in Hamburg, Germany on11th – 13th May 2016
Organised Interdisciplinary Conference 'Research Impact in Action; Refugees, New Speakers and Global Law'
Funded by COST Action IS1306 and Tilburg Law School, to organise, coordinate a conference event attended by 50 people over 2 and half days of panels and workgroup sessions.
Collaborated with Dr Cassie Smith-Christmas to organise the conference panels and for event organisation.
Hosted an interdisciplinary conference titled at Tilburg University, the Netherlands 23rd and 24th March 2017
Photovoice of
Refugee Communities
Funded by COST Action IS1306 to coordinate photovoice group, pay travel for participants and set up the gallery.
Photovoice Project; collaborated with a team of refugee and undocumented volunteers in the Netherlands, providing training support, funding and resources required for the project. February 2017 – September 2017
Valorising Voices Events
Funded by COST Action IS1306 to attend the conference and coordinate two panels. Especially supported by the faculty of language at Coimbra University through their use of space of the venue and provisions of resources and networks.
Coordinated the photovoice project exhibition as 'Valorising Voices; Refugee Lives and Voices Exhibition'
Coordinated Valorising Voices; Stakeholder and Academic Panel
Events held in COST Action IS1306 conference New Speakers in A Multilingual Europe: Policies and Practices in Coimbra University, Portugal 14th – 16th September 2017

Additional Training and Presentation of Papers and Academic Collaboration
Planning Meeting for COST Action
Funded by COST Action IS1306 to attend programme planning, organisational conference
Collaborated on planning for workgroup 10 New Speakers, Legitimacy and Governmentality for COST Action IS1306 in the National University of Ireland at Galway 24th – 25th September 2016
Awarded Grundtvig Grant
Awarded Grundtvig Grant by Lifelong Learning Programme, European Commission
Funded to participate in ECORYS 9-day training for 'Working with Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Good European Practices for Better Work' in Venice, Italy
Presented 1-hour presentation on 'Language and Civil Society Organisations and Spaces for Refugee Inclusion'
Resulted in the Migration and Asylum Network digital platform as a best practice. November 2013